Frequently Asked Questions

1. What certifications do your interpreters hold?

A. Please see “About Us

2. How much do you charge for an interpreter?

A. Our rates are extremely competitive, please contact us directly for a quote.

3. Does In-House Interpreting provide non-medical interpreting services?

A. In-House Interpreting exclusively provides medical interpreting services. We see value in targeting our trainings and medical glossaries on the needs of our clients. This allows our interpreters to be the best resource to our clients as possible.

4. How long of a contract do I need to sign?

A. Our length of contracts are at the discretion of our clients.

5. When are your services available?

A. 24/7/365

6. What is the minimum charge for an on-site interpreter?

A. For On-Site services, the minimum charge for an interpreter is 1-hour for spoken languages per encounter, and 2-hours for manual languages (ASL). For Remote services, the minimum charge for an interpreter is 1 minute per encounter.

7. How does your billing work?

A. We send a single invoice monthly itemized at the discretion of our client.

8. How do you protect patient health information?

A. Please see “HIPAA/HITECH”.